Please remember that bullies are deeply insecure. Something has happened in the course of their lives to lead them to a fractured sense of self and non-existent self-worth...they are quite unhappy.
If you are happy, collegial, respectful, competent, ethical person who has a fun personality, gregarious and is clearly good at your job - or has any number of POSITIVE qualities...know that bullies recognize these qualities as missing in themselves and feel THREATENED.
This is all it takes to trigger an insecure person and turn them into a bully in the workplace.
You are now a threat. You must be suppressed. You must not outshine the person with the fragile ego - the person who is now going to bully you and torture you and psychologically damage you UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION.
The chances of resolving a bullying dynamic in a hostile work environment is low - you know your situation best, but please do not stay in a bullying environment. The situation will continue to deteriorate and your mental health will follow suit. SEEK ABUNDANCE!
Familiarize yourself with the bullying tactics that bullies use to torment their Targets - the sooner you understand what bullying looks like and what it is CALLED, the sooner you can take action and seek new employment in a vibrant, healthy, bully-free environment.
Please know that the longer you stay in a toxic environment where you are bullied, the more challenging it is to get out - this is because of the damage to your mental health, confidence, self-esteem, energy and physical health. The isolation and exhaustion that comes along with being a Target of a bully can make it extremely challenging to move toward abundance.
Information is power and you need to be a POWERHOUSE right now.
Please know what bullying looks like. Please familiarize yourself with the tactics that bullies use to suppress their Targets - you may have a few a-ha moments as you read through the guide.
You can download the FREE guide that features the 43 Tactics Bullies Use to Torture Targets by following this link:
There are available methods to mitigate any damage while you develop and implement an exit plan - WBP can help, this is our expertise! Please do not suffer in silence.
Be kind, be good…and always keep your head on a swivel.
📧 Please reach out to if you need individual support in navigating your unique experience and bullying dynamic. Please do not suffer in silence and alone – WBP can help. We will link arms with you to navigate your way through the shark-filled waters of your current, toxic work environment as you seek employment in healthy, vibrant, bully-free workplaces. Please do not delay – there is strength in numbers!
Check out the available resources at the WBP Online Resource Center,
🎯 Find Out If You're a Target of a Workplace Bully:
✅ 43 Tactics and Strategies Used by Bullies to Torment Targets:
🔽10-Page Self-Care guide right here at the WBP Online Resource Center:
🔐 21-page Boundary Development Guide - Your First Line of Defense Against Bullies!
💡 63 WBP LinkedIn Posts to Help You Learn About All Things Workplace Bullying: